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Scopiefox and Scopewritter are animal expert freelance writers, and their newest collaboration, Cat Taught Me English, is full of lessons and activities.
Learn the basics in this free cat language course. Cat Taught Me English contains 100 of the most common cat words and phrases used in everyday situations to teach and communicate with your cat. The course features colorful animations, audio pronunciations, interactive games, and much more.
5 Grammar Rules to Know Before Starting to Communicate with Your Cat
Cat Taught Me English – A Cat’s View of the World
It is so very easy to have a “cat-sitting” problem when you are on vacation and have to take your cat along too. The picture above was taken of my new parents-in-law’s.
Cats, even those living indoors, like to go on walks. Cat Taught Me English, by Scopiefox and Scopewritter, is a fun, easy way to teach your cat to speak. With more than 100 cat phrases and words, this is the perfect activity book for young and old cats alike.
While researching and writing, the authors found out that cat language can have 5 different grammar rules:
HALF FIVE: Before the sentence, the subject and object are separated by the conjunction. Subject and object are separated by the conjunction, so here the subject and object are separated by the conjunction.
So, what is the difference between a cat sentence and a cat phrase? A cat phrase is not “The cat ate the mouse.” That is a cat sentence. It’s a general statement, a fact, or a description. An example of a cat phrase: “The cat jumps up on the bed.”
If you are reading this, then I bet you’re wondering how your cat is communicating with you.Sign up to our newsletter for daily updates and breaking news Sign up here! Thank you for subscribing See our privacy notice Invalid Email
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